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         Developer : OpenAI
             Genre : Adventure games
        Other Tags : Artificial Intelligence

not completed.
🍒 My first ChatGPT adventure

Log entries

  • Today I started using ChatGPT for real for programming and math research assistance. For decades, I've touted how amazing it would be to have an AI assistant to help with smaller tasks in day to day life. Now it's actually here, and I have to get used to actually using it. I'm incredibly impressed, even though the veracity of the contained knowledge is still somewhat sketchy.

  • I wanted to test out the ability to play a roleplaying game, and started playing a standard dungeon crawling text adventure in ChatGPT.Last time I tried something like this was AI Dungeon 2, which was based on 'Full GPT-2', the predecessor to 'GPT 3.5', on which ChatGPT is currently based.

  • I'm traversing a dungeon full of goblins with my barbarian Fightor. ChatGPT has decided to use a Roguelike item identification system:

    Congratulations! You have just identified the potion as a potion of perception!

  • ChatGPT keeps giving me options for stopping the adventure after a victory, or continuing:

    You pack the treasure and items into your backpack, feeling satisfied with your successful raid on the goblin lair. However, you still have much of the dungeon left to explore, and who knows what other dangers and treasures lie ahead.

  • I exited the dungeon with a 1000 gold. Good first adventure for Fightor the Barbarian.

  • I tried to trick ChatGPT into playing chess. It seems to be able to play in text form, and it can print out a nice looking chess board, but the board doesn't update with the moves.

webrender.rb:2107:output_full_game(DB, @3649, options: {})ocdgamer.rb:899:output_entries_filtered(
  @3649, headline:Passwords / Cheat Codes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @3649, headline:Facts, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @3649, headline:Analysis, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @3649, headline:Quotes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @3649, headline:Technical Notes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @3649, headline:Log entries, [filter],  show_dates:true)


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Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.0 2024-05-07